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Hercules! Hercules! Hercules!

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This year, the National Weather Service started naming winter storms. We are currently experiencing Hercules and he is not only bringing snow to the area (AGAIN!), but also very cold temperatures.

Today’s high is predicted to reach a HIGH of 12 degrees with a possible wind chill of ….you ready?….-15 degrees! Next week’s temperatures are going even lower for the high.

Not only can these very cold temperatures can cause frostbite and hypothermia to humans in a very short time, but can also cause water pipes to freeze and burst and vehicles to not start. House fires rise due to people trying to use unsafe methods to stay warm.

What a mess!

How can you take steps to ease the effects of these very cold temperatures? Here are 10 things you can do to protect yourself, your car, and your home.

  1. Stay indoors if possible. If you don’t have to go out, DON’T!
  2. Wear layers if you do have to go out. Make sure you have gloves, hat, and a scarf. Wear the scarf around your mouth to protect your lungs from the frigid air.
  3. Set a time limit if you are outside shoveling, etc.
  4. At least a half a tank of gas in your car helps to prevent fuel line freeze-up.
  5. Keep your battery charged and jumper cables in your car, just in case.
  6. Have a Winter Survival Kit in your car in the event that you are in an accident or become disabled.
  7. Let the water run no faster than a slow constant drip is one way to help prevent your water pipes from freezing.
  8. Follow safety procedures when using space heaters to heat areas of your home. Ensure you have fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors in your home.
  9. Bring pets indoors if possible or make sure they have and enclosed building with straw or cedar shavings to stay warm. Give your pets plenty of fresh water to drink.
  10. Check on the elderly. Ensure they have heat and food.

Be prepared and stay protected! Keep emergency phone numbers readily accessible.

And most importantly, Stay Warm!

~Cheryl Pastor, Social Media Specialist

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