Another trip to Wegman and another adventure to try a new food!
This week…kohlrabi!
It’s looks pretty strange, like it’s from another planet, but don’t let that turn you away!This delicious veggie is a part of the cabbage family and is insanely flavorful!
So to make a quick side dish we cut up a globe of kohlrabi, a zucchini, and onion and put it in a 13×9 casserole dish. Obviously add more veggies if you’d like.
Pour on some olive oil along with salt, pepper and….soul food seasoning.
I did an internet search and really couldn’t find much on it… but it’s great! It’s a little bit sweet and a little bit of spice!
Just head on to one of Dollar General’s in the area and it’s only a buck!
Put it in the oven at 350 for about 35 minutes and it’s a fantastic side dish that’s full of flavor!
Jason Bidish
Account Executive